
Le Figaro

In the Invalides, France’s tribute to say goodbye to Jean-Louis Debré

Many policies, including Claude Chirac, the daughter of the former president, or François Hollande and Alain Juppé, attended

By leaving the town hall of Lille, Martine Aubry also turns a page of the PS

Portrait - central figure of the Socialist Party, Martine Aubry had withdrawn to her city in Lille in recent years. The annou

Municipales 2026 : «Paris est une ville woke», revendique David Belliard, candidat à la primaire éco

Dans une interview au Parisien, l’adjoint à la mairie de Paris défend le bilan de la majorité municipale sortante et avance s

War in Ukraine: “The European Union takes advantage of crises to appropriate skills,” denounces Jord

Invited to France Inter, the president of the RN defended the organization of a summit bringing together Westerners, to "dete

“A defeatist speech”: Glucksmann castigates Mélenchon’s position on the war in Ukraine

"If we give in to this Munich temptation, this defeatist temptation, this temptation of capitulation, we will have failed eve

“It will only take one candidate”: Pécresse opens the door to a primary of the right, but remains ev

In an interview with the Parisian, the LR president of the Île-de-France region assures that she "will be from the battle" of

Après les propos de Rima Hassan sur «l’action légitime» du Hamas, des sénateurs demandent la levée d

Dans une lettre adressée à la présidente du Parlement européen, 94 sénateurs dénoncent des déclarations «qui sapent les valeu

The new life of Richard Ferrand at the Constitutional Council

PORTRAIT - The former president of the National Assembly, whose appointment was validated by Parliament to one voice, must ta

“Strong and hard” with Putin, “docile and weak” with Tebboune: Bardella tackles the “immeasurable pa

Invited to Europe 1 and CNEWS this Thursday, the president of the National Rally believes that "Algeria builds the legitimacy

Jean-Noël Barrot, a minister propelled into the crash of the world

Decryption - The boss of the Quai d'Orsay will start a Tour de France to explain the consequences of international crises. He