
Le Figaro

L’affiche de LFI visant Cyril Hanouna était «maladroite» et «n’aurait pas dû être là», regrette Mano

Invitée sur RTL, la députée européenne Insoumise a rappelé qu’aucun membre de son parti n’a été condamné pour antisémitisme.

War in Ukraine: Emmanuel Macron brings together the main arms manufacturers at the Élysée

The Head of State will be trained on Friday morning with manufacturers in the defense sector and SME representatives.

2027: Laurent Wauquiez wants to access the “responsibilities” of “the Presidency of the Republic”

In an interview with the Midi dispatch, the leader of LR deputies and candidate for the president of the party ensures to lea

“This hypothesis is completely crazy”: Jordan Bardella predicts that Marine Le Pen “will not be inel

Two weeks before the decision of the Paris court in the case of FN MEP assistants, the president of the nationalist party say

Armies: Lecornu wants “a real professional reserve” up to 100,000 men

Invited Thursday evening of France 2, the Minister of the Armed Forces rejected a return of compulsory military service: "Fig

“As long as I am useful, I stay and go”: Bruno Retailleau, a campaign minister

SCHOOL - The Minister of the Interior and candidate for the presidency of the Republicans, who judges having succeeded in mak

Guillaume Tabard: “LR and the PS, battles and parallel challenges”

Counterpoint - For the Socialist Party as for the Republicans, the real challenge is not to choose a chief, but to expand the

At the Socialist Party, Boris Vallaud’s bet to dislodge Olivier Faure

SCHOOL - The boss of PS deputies embarked on the race for congress on Thursday, at the same time as several of his comrades...

Israel: Bernard-Henri Lévy cancels his arrival at a conference in which Jordan Bardella and Marion M

The media philosopher was invited to give a speech at the opening of a conference on anti -Semitism on March 26 in Israel. He