

Psychotherapist content: You really earn that much

For many it is a dream job, but the training is long and expensive. Is that worth it? Two therapists provide insights into th

Berlin FU: Founded against the spirit of synchronization

In 1948 the Free University of Berlin was founded in the hope of training democratic leaders. They should be able to cope wit

Why do so many young people choose the AfD

Many young people choose the AfD and use social networks - especially TikKOT and X - as the most important source of informat

Swede builds houses from Tokyo as miniatures

Christopher Robin Nordström likes to go for a walk - on Google Maps in Tokyo. He makes impressive models out of the buildings

The bureaucracy drives an entrepreneur to the brink of madness

Medium-sized company Christopher Holtz-Kathan feels slowly increasing demand. But his capacities are bound because he has to

Longevity trend: What’s it on the hype?

Most of us want to live long and healthy. This is also the essence of the lunevity trend-but is a young body really so...

“Gutenacht stories for Celeste” by Heidelbach and Könnecke

Creeper was yesterday: the first children's book that Nikolaus Heidelbach and Ole Könnecke shaped together, tells of the fear

Commerzbank is renting a new HELABA high -rise: Latest news from Frankfurt & Hessen

Commerzbank rents second high-rise +++ Gießen: youthful burglar in custody +++ drug smugglers at Frankfurt Airport arrested +

Wiesbaden: 300 Teilnehmer bei Menschenkette für Vielfalt: Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Frankfurt & Hesse

Frankfurt: Jugendliche nach Messerattacke festgenommen +++ Liederbach: Glasfaserausbau vor Abschluss +++ Fünf Verletzte bei U