
El Pais America

The agreements between Trump and Maduro dislodge the Venezuelan opposition

Chavism accelerates the call for new elections and works on a constitutional reform that seeks to underpin the Bolivarian Rev

Only the minority opposition will participate in the legislative and governors elections so as not t

Some regional politicians and parties invoke the need to protect government spaces and "not repeat the mistake of abstention"

Shakira vuelve a escena en Perú tras la divulgación de su parte médico

El personal clínico que ha filtrado su historial médico se enfrenta a una posible una multa de más de 433.000 dólares

The IACHR installs a group of experts to clarify the murder of activist Berta Cáceres

The Honduran government has accepted the work of these experts who will determine intellectual authorship and related crimes

Berta Zúñiga: “It is an act that deserves to be held”

La hija de la ambientalista reacciona emocionada ante la formación del grupo de expertos para esclarecer el asesinato de su m

Bolsonaro supporter sentenced to 20 years in prison for killing a member of Lula’s party in 2022

The victim was celebrating her 50th birthday at a politically themed party, in the middle of an election campaign, when the k

Boats crash in Amazon leaves six injured

The ships collided near Panaillo Island, a high river circulation area