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El Pais America

The border commands control drug trafficking from Peru, meters from the Colombian Navy: “I have them

The armed group regulates life in Puerto Leguízamo, on the Putumayo River and on the triple border with Ecuador and Peru

Un hombre golpea con un martillo la ‘Piedra de los doce ángulos’, la joya arquitectónica de los inca

El atacante, que se ha declarado antisistema, se enfrenta a un delito de seis años de cárcel por vandalizar el monumento más

A 32 -year -old British journalist, missing in Brazil for ten days

Charlotte Alice Peet had already lived in Rio de Janeiro and knows the country well, but there is no news of her since her...

Bolsonaro maneuver for the Brazil Congress to save him from jail

The Trump media company interferes in the Brazilian case by denouncing the judge who investigates the former president hours

Panama begins to deport Asian migrants sent by Trump between legal questions

The Government announced shipping to its countries to 171 people, although according to ‘The New York Times’ they were transf

Francine Baron: “Dominica quiere ser la primera nación del mundo resiliente al cambio climático”

Tras el devastador huracán María, la abogada lideró el plan para que la isla caribeña sea más resiliente frente a eventos ext

Río de Janeiro bate el récord de calor en una década: 44 grados y sin tregua a la vista

Siete estados de Brasil están en alerta por calor extremo y la previsión es que la ola de calor se prolongue toda la semana

The Catholic Church of Venezuela prays so that Chavismo does not follow the path of Nicaragua

The Venezuelan Episcopal Conference aspires "to the possibility of living without fear and with the right to profess faith wi

Brazil’s attorney general denounces Bolsonaro for a coup attempt against Lula

The former right -wing president tried to reverse his electoral defeat, according to the accusation

La mayor área marina protegida norteamericana: un oasis biodiverso que favorece la pesca de atún

El Archipiélago de Revillagigedo, en el norte de México, evidencia los beneficios que brindan las áreas oceánicas donde está