
El Pais America

Brazil prohibits flying due to lack of security to the Voepass airline, which suffered a serious acc

The Civil Aviation Agency leaves on land the six planes of the company in the face of repeated compliance with the demands to

Un muerto y 16 venezolanos desaparecidos en el naufragio de un barco que se dirigía a Curazao

La ruta hacia la isla caribeña se ha convertido en una de las predilectas de los migrantes que abandonan el país

La hoja de coca: de la ‘mata que mata’ a una paleta de color para el arte y la moda

Un colectivo de artesanas y dos diseñadoras bogotanas están decididas a recuperar el uso ancestral como pigmento e impulsar s

Las mujeres afro luchan por la inclusión en Uruguay, un país que se resiste a la paridad

Detrás de casos como el de las senadoras Gloria Rodríguez o Doris Piriz hay una historia de batallas de movimientos sociales,

A provoked fire leaves at least four dead in a homeless people in Brazil

The moment of the start of fire was captured by a security chamber in front of the center. Eight other people have been injur

Almost 12,000 women have been killed in Brazil for femicide during the last decade

Since the crime of killing a woman for the mere fact of being, it was typified, the crimes counted have almost tripled until

A Guatemalan judge orders the return to prison of the journalist José Rubén Zamora

The magistrate in charge of the case withdraws the house arrest to the founder of ‘El Periodico’ after denouncing having been

Southinames Albert Ramdin, elected new secretary general of the OAS by acclamation

The new person in charge of the Pan American organization faces the challenge of recovering the relevance of the institution

Los mapas creados por mujeres que desafían el poder de Google Maps

Selene Yang, cofundadora de Geochicas, reflexiona sobre las posibilidades que emergen desde la cartografía feminista

Albert Ramdin, a Surinam diplomat to return consensus and relevance to the OAS

The Foreign Minister, who built his career in the multilateral agency, is committed to dialogue, belongs to a social democrat