

File shredder in the test – and tips for the correct storage of documents

Even if it is not a pleasure: you have to keep some paperwork. But how long? And with which file destroyers do you finally...

Backpacks for the luggage rack in the test: Transfer artists

Luggage base pocket or backpack? Both! We have tested eight hybrid models that fit on the bike and on the back.

Air pumps: Stand models from Topeak, SKS, Prophete and others in the test

With a stand air pump, wheel tires can be easily and precisely brought to the right air pressure. We tried models between aro

Weed remover in the test: the wild growth no chance

There are many methods to remove unwanted greenery from the cracks of terraces and garden paths. We have tried four very diff

(S+) Podcast »Judging Amanda Knox« über die Dämonisierung als Engel mit den Eisaugen

Man nannte sie »Engel mit den Eisaugen«. Ihr wurde ein brutaler Mord vorgeworfen, vier Jahre saß sie in Haft. Aber Amanda Kno

Pizza ovens in the test: As with the Italian

For a really good pizza you need a really hot oven. Our author has tested three models to create up to 500 ° C....

Knife sharpener from Tormek, F. Dick, Horl and Graef in the test

Unser Autor wähnte sich nach einigen Tests schon mit den perfekten Messerschleifern für seine Küche ausgestattet. Jetzt hat e

SPIEGEL Originals – exklusive Videoserien

Deutschlands führende Nachrichtenseite. Alles Wichtige aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Sport, Kultur, Wissenschaft, Technik und mehr

SPIEGEL TV – in interrogation

Germany's leading news site. Everything important from politics, economy, sport, culture, science, technology and more.

Kochen ohne Kohle – Videos

Deutschlands führende Nachrichtenseite. Alles Wichtige aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Sport, Kultur, Wissenschaft, Technik und mehr